Our Promise

Our staff goes above and beyond every day for our patients, they are guided by our mission: “To Care. To Heal. To Excel. In Service to Our Community.” Additionally, our team is committed to improvement and identifying new ways to advance your health and the care that we provide. This is our Promise to you.  

As a nonprofit, acute care, independent
community hospital north of Boston,
Massachusetts, Winchester Hospital’s success
 is based on our commitment to excellence in these areas:
  • Offering an exceptional patient care experience
  • Providing a safe environment for patients and staff
  • Engaging our employees
  • Working in alignment with physicians to achieve common goals
  • Increasing the growth of our services so that we may reinvest in our programs, technology and people

This work is guided every day by our mission, To Care. To Heal. To Excel. In Service to Our Community., and by our PROMISE values, which provide every staff member with clear behavioral and organizational expectations and focus.

  • Promoting Team Work
  • Respect
  • Ownership
  • Maintaining a Positive Attitude
  • Initiative
  • Safety and Quality
  • Empathy

On these pages, we invite you to learn more about our commitment to our patients and to each other and the facts behind Winchester Hospital’s award-winning health care and medical services.